Feelin’ Good

My newborn somehow became a 2-month-old on Tuesday.  I am not sure how he did that – he is so sneaky!  But we celebrated anyhow.  The celebration included three shots to his perfectly chunky little thighs and one tube of ice cold liquid down his throat.  Oh, it was a blast!  I mean, when you see this picture, don’t you just think P-A-R-T-Y?

The little man was so tough, though.  I swear he only cried for 15 seconds.  How a human being that came from inside of me can be this mellow, I have no idea.

I felt badly about our little ‘celebration,’ so we had a belated birthday night out yesterday.  We started by going to his Tio Michael’s art opening in the Lower East Side (Yes, he is THE single hippest 2-month-old ever.)  Then we went out to eat and ordered a slice of chocolate cake in his honor.

Clearly, he had already imbibed one too many glasses of champagne, so we let his brother do the honors. (Oh, and he was so mad at me for putting him that adorable Ralph Lauren outfit.  He wanted to wear his black skinny jeans and black Keds, being in the Lower East Side and all.  His mom is so square! Life is unfair already.)

Thinking about it now, we probably should not have documented the fact that Carlitos blew out Xavi’s candle.  He can totally use this as evidence later in life to prove to Xavi that we love our first-born more.  I am not certain about this, being an only child myself, but I have heard of these sorts of things.

So, I have to say, I am feeling pretty good about my two little guys right now.  One just made it to his 2 month birthday and is just about the best baby you could ever hope for.  He just eats, looks around, smiles and coos, and then sleeps…with some diaper action, too, obviously.  And Carlitos?  Well, here is Carlitos:  The man next to us at the restaurant kept staring at us and then finally spoke up, with eyes wide, to say “Your son is amazing!”  Uh, yes, we think so too, but what exactly are you talking about?  He asked us how old Carlitos is and when we told him he just shook his head.  “My daughter is that age and if she were here her feet would probably be up in the air and she would be all over the place.”  He could not fathom that Carlitos was sitting in a chair, eating his food, drinking his milk, saying Please and Thank You, coloring, etc.   When his friend arrived to meet him he even pointed over to our table and said, “That boy is two and a half!  Can you believe it?! Such a well behaved kid!”

I’m sorry, but that made my week.  And I’ve had a bit of a rough week. (Did you miss me? )  So, I had to share.  I am just so stinking proud.  Plus, he looked too cool for school ( I know. Square.) …and he picked out his own outfit.

C’mon!  Who can pull off moccasins?!? With a tweed vest?!? My Carlitos, that’s who.

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3 Responses to Feelin’ Good

  1. Sallymarie says:

    Your boys are great and they sure do have some great parents too. Glad to see your blog is back!

  2. […] think I am doing a good job because, well, the proof is in the pudding.  Or you can see the proof here or here or here.  Shoot, this picture, alone, will tell you we are doing a pretty stellar job.   […]

  3. […] (This is the only photographic proof I could find so that you believe me that we actually went out.  I had to crop my husband out though, because he does not want his name or photo used on here.  He is a business – man.  And no, he is not the one with the skinny jeans and a vest, although that is the person responsible for buying dapper vests for Carlos Eli.) […]

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