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Monthly Archives: January 2011
Free Friday!
If you have read even one post on this blog, you have probably figured out that I LOVE chocolate. Unabashedly. If I had to be stranded on an island with four food items they would be chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and chocolate. I’m kidding. What kind of moron chooses four of the same thing? It would […]
Posted in Free Fridays!
Tagged chocolate, fairtrade, Free Friday!, MWSweets, organic, Valentine's Day
Insert Over-Used Joke About Milkshakes Bringing Boys to the Yard Here
But seriously. My milkshake? It brings the boys and the girls to the yard. And they are sprinting. For real. In fact, my milkshake brings anyone over 21 to the yard. Or over 12, if you grew up in The Most Irish Town in America, like I did. Yesterday I was attempting a momentary sanity […]
No School for You!
Two of my worst flaws are that I am lazy and I am cheap. Today, I discovered which one describes me more. And the winner is……… LAZY! Good to know. Hurray for learning something about yourself, right? And without even paying a therapist! (Dammit. There I go being cheap again.) You may have heard that […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged beer with lime, cheap, expensive pre-school, lazy, mmmmm, NYC
*Said in the “Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.” tone of voice. More specifically, my man. He had a Stereotypical Male Moment the other night. The kind that left me wishing I had given him a list. You know, of what things to do and the *correct* order in which to do them. […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged Aloe Vera bath, cherry bourbon, love, Men
The Heist
The scene… The crime… (The little Pajama Thief is already wearing his prison stripes. Looks like he is ready to do time in Lion Lockup. hehehe) The (attempted) getaway… The apprehension… The retaliation… The effect…? None.
Dear John Xavier,
My Xavi, my bugga, my littlest man, my love, As the second child, I often struggle with feeling that I am somehow not giving you everything that I gave to your older brother. I wonder if you are getting enough attention, enough love, enough kisses…enough organic, homemade food. I feel guilt about the fact that […]
Posted in Mommy: just showing some baby love
Tagged 9 months, aggressive affection, baptism, John Xavier, love
House of Horrors
Having children is a beautiful thing. The love you feel for them is indescribable. The pride, immeasurable. The need to protect them, immense. And the happiness they give you, unimaginable. But there are things that come with parenthood that people don’t necessarily warn you about. And that don’t cross your mind as you blissfully gaze […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged Birth Control, More Vomit, Pedialyte, The Flu, Vomit
Free Friday!
Having Xavi changed me. Yes, it made me a mom of two. A mom of boys, plural. Someone who sometimes puts her children in matching outfits now that there are two of them. However, perhaps the biggest change of all was inside of me…and I don’t mean that in some lovey, gushy way. This child […]
Posted in Free Fridays!
Tagged burping, Free Friday!, Health, I hate you Pita Chips!, weight loss, Your Intuitive Health
Deadly Words
You may think I am going to discuss Sarah Palin’s ‘attack map’ with cross-hairs over representatives and tweeted jargon such as “Don’t retreat’; RELOAD!” Personally, I know this tragedy is still fresh in my mind and still makes my stomach turn when I think about it. However, I actually have another topic on my mind, […]
Posted in Chronicles: observations of the outside world
Tagged Autism, deadly choice, fear, Jenny McCarthy, study fraud, vaccines
Free Friday!
Last night I went to a holiday office party with my husband. I REALLY did not want to go. Not that I don’t like all of the lovely (in truth: hilariously vulgar and fun) ladies in his office. Not that I don’t like meeting tons of new people. Not that I don’t like a glass […]
Posted in Free Fridays!
Tagged Free Friday!, office holiday parties, Sophia Cluster Ring, Spanx, Stella & Dot