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Monthly Archives: March 2011
Twisted Frisee
I am trying really hard to be healthier these days. Not the high school kind of ‘healthier’ that involved only eating pretzels and Italian ice at lunch time. (In fact, this is the opposite of healthy, girls. Do not do this!) And not the college type of ‘healthier’ that involved sugar-free, fat-free EVERYTHING. (Well, except […]
Posted in What's for Supper Wednesdays
Tagged avocado, French vinaigrette, Frisee salad, healthy, poaching eggs, turkey bacon
Party Tricks
When I was (much) younger I used to be a stick. However, I had the appetite of a trucker. (I believe I have mentioned this before?) As in, I literally always ordered the “Two by Four” or “Trucker’s Breakfast” or whatever it was called in that particular restaurant. Two eggs, two pancakes, two pieces of […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged My Maki, New York City nightlife, party tricks, Sake, Sushi
1 Comment
Citrus Salmon over Watercress
As I am sitting here about to start writing, my husband is behind me, singing, “Dinner was so good. It was so de-li-cious. Followed by that cookie that was also delicious…” I wish I could tell you what tune he is singing it to in order to help you envision it…but I do not recognize […]
Well, Maybe a Healthy Dose of Fear is Alright After All
I know I was just telling you to ‘Lose the fear, dear.’ But it is time we reinstate it. At the very least, a healthy dose of Future Fear. Future Fear is when we see what teenagers are currently doing (i.e. How out of their friggin’ gourds nut job crazy they are acting) and attempt […]
Like Sands Through the Hourglass
Life is crazy. It is busy. It is stressful. It is forever moving forward. It does not stop. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t need to remember to pause sometimes. Not to smell the roses necessarily, but to listen more closely to the rambling story my 3-year-old is telling me. To burn into my […]
Approachable Stir Fry…Oh, and Carrot Cake
Yes, I am fully aware that it is Thursday. Yes, I am fully aware that this segment is called ‘What’s for Supper Wednesdays.’ Do you not recall that I am feeling all time warp-y this week? I assure you, it has nothing to do with the sick baby whose HUGE top front tooth is also […]
I’m Magic, You see
So, there is this amazing blogger at who always has a segment called ‘Shit I Did When I Wasn’t Here.’ Let me tell you that it took me waaaaayyy too long to figure out what she meant by that. Like, WAY too long. Yeah, she just meant that she did other writing and work […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged guest blogger, magic, MENSA!, Shut UP already, special
Joke’s Over
Okay Life, you’ve had your laughs. Joke’s over now. Let’s not take it too far, eh? Trust me – I know allll about taking a joke too far to the point where it isn’t funny anymore. You are right there on the line. Let’s just slow down and chill out for a minute, okay? You […]
Quick Fish Stew
Today was a DAY. Like, seriously. It was possibly three days. It felt that long. After bringing Carlitos to pre-school I went to the pediatrician with Xavi because he had a cough that didn’t sound right to me. The poor kid has basically been sick all fall and winter due to the combination of cold […]
In Other Terrifying News, My Son is a Lefty
Carlitos is left-handed. I have always thought of this fact as merely another trait I can use to describe him. Carlos Eli: Light brown hair. Dark brown almond eyes. Silly. Alphabet lover. Building cities with blocks lover. Knocking block cities over lover. Anchovy, caper and olive eater. Bug hater. Tall. Thin. Affectionate. Tiger fearing lion […]
Posted in Chronicles: observations of the outside world
Tagged child, fear, left-handed, traits