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Author Archives: RealMommyChron
From Maine to Miami
When my husband first began meeting my extended family he had one question: what’s with all the turtlenecks? “We’re from New England.” I explained. When he spent more time with all of us, further questions arose about ‘itchy sweaters’ and handkerchiefs on call at all times and wool blankets. When he would visit my hometown […]
Control and Chaos
I keep beating myself up about the fact that I haven’t made this blog a priority. Whenever someone mentions that they wish I would post more I mentally kick myself for not focusing on this space and building it into what I know it could become if I nurtured it more. I mean, that is […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged babies, blogging, c-section, cancer, chaos, control, finding time, friendships, life, scalpels, seasons of life, surgery
First Day Failure
The photos had already been pouring in on Facebook and Instagram. The First Day of School was upon us. Since our sons didn’t start until the 9th, I had a week or two to see tons of adorable ideas plastered all over social media. Bento box lunches, lunchbox notes, handmade signs being held by pudgy […]
I’d Rather Just Know What’s New With YOU
I distinctly remember smiling last night as I thought of two excellent blog post ideas. Things I really wanted to talk about and that would be fun to write. Once I got Xavi down for his nap today, I rushed to the computer…and realized I had no recollection of either topic. Zilch. Why I thought […]
Leaving Brooklyn…In Style
We are so ready for this move to the suburbs. So, so ready. We did our time in Manhattan and then in Brooklyn. We tried our best and have wonderful memories of both, but it is time to follow the other ‘three child families’ to the land of grass and guest rooms. For us, the […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged amish farmers market, bagels, Brooklyn, brunch, chelsea market, childhood, climbing trees, doughnut plant, family, goodbye, memories, moving, New Jersey, new yorkers, NYC, picnic, pride parade, roosevelt island, subway, terrace bagels, the high line, windsor terrace
What it Means to Defend Paula Deen
I am a bit of a Facebook whore-ette. (It’s not a vulgar word if you add ‘ette’ to the end of it, don’t you know.) Many of you already know this. I love to share and I love to be privy to the details of others’ lives and I love feeling connected to the outside […]
Posted in Chronicles: observations of the outside world
Tagged 2013, Bubba, defend, discuss, employees, Facebook, Paula Deen, racism, sexism, support, the n-word
Graduation Celebration! (ie. Cryfest 2013)
I feel a ramble coming on. You’ve received fair warning. There is something about having kids that makes life crystal clear, with all of the complexities of simultaneous joy and pain. But it also blurs the lines. It leaves you raw, which allows for so much more joy to press itself up against you, soothing […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged change, childhood, complexity, goodbyes, happiness, Kindergarten, life, moving, parenting, sadness
1 Comment
Healthy Habits
Kids are often the litmus test for how sane, healthy and functional our society is. Kids’ bullying is becoming more frequent and harsh? Kids are shooting other kids with guns? Kids are overweight? They are learning all of this. It is not coded in our ‘American DNA’ in case that was your theory. Kids demonstrate […]
Joining Clubs
2013. This year has done it’s best to beat us down. Well, actually, I guess cancer tried to beat us down. Actually, to be more specific, Thyroid Cancer has really come at us with a vengeance. Yes, the past couple weeks we have been dealing with a second case in the family and additional family […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Tagged baby, boys, cancer, club, fear, happiness, love, moms of boys, thyroid, thyroid cancer