5,000 Horny Camels?

So, I went to BlogHer and everyone kept pointing at me and saying, “You don’t belong here, lady.  Go home.”  And I cried and got on the subway and headed all the way back to Brooklyn, dripping with sweat and tears.

Then I woke up.


I didn’t have any nightmares about BlogHer, but as you know, I did have some concerns heading into it about possibly not feeling a part of it all.  Although I can’t say I found myself in any consistent group throughout the weekend, I did try to focus on connections in general.

It worked.

This was definitely my most personally successful year at BlogHer.  I met pretty much all of my favorite ‘big bloggers’ and they were all truly kind, warm and hysterical in person.  I knew I had good taste in blogs.

Also, instead of racing through the Expo Center and grabbing all of the free board games and ipads I could, I deliberately chose about 10 companies that intrigue me or that I already know I love and took time to talk and connect.  Okay, so partially this was due to the fact that you were expected to tweet photos, ‘like’ Facebook pages and write blog posts just to be entered to possibly win a gift basket of multi-colored nose hair trimmers, but it had also been my intention this year to focus on a small group of companies.

The only products being given away with abandon were vibrators. Which probably says…well, something about our reputations.  I’m not going to over-analyze.  Since I didn’t have a single toy in my swag bags for my boys, they now have ‘dancing sticks’ in every color.  That are under strict orders to be hidden before any play dates. “So your friends won’t get jealous.”

As far as I could tell, the other reputation that precedes BlogHer attendees is that we detest hydration.  Which makes sense, because last year they probably overheard us all chanting, “Save water, drink beer!”  Apparently, we all confused San Diego with Cancun spring break.  It’s understandable.  If any official BlogHer employee is reading this, I would like to go on record as saying that was all a big misunderstanding; Personally, I do in fact love water.  I try to drink some every day.  Or funny things start to happen, like I *think* I am crying at the Voices of the Year readings, but no tears fall.

Truthfully, I had so much fun this weekend.  There were old friends, new friends, people who I hope will become friends, companies whose ideas excite me, and a large amount of learning.  I finally felt like I am doing the right thing on this here blog: building slowly, staying true to who I am, being honest and hoping you understand my lil’ bit o’ crazy when I give you a peek.

It also made me very thankful for the faithful, kind, funny and supportive readers I have.

You are The Best.

Oh, and there was a robot unicorn cake. Small detail, you know.

Which, of course, I assumed was filled with yummy rainbow cake on the inside.  Until I found these laying around near the back dumpsters…

And it’s alllll starting to make sense…

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7 Responses to 5,000 Horny Camels?

  1. DarleneMAM says:


  2. Zoë says:

    C’mon, no photo of the boys with their new dancing sticks? That’s one that would really come back to haunt you when they are older. Glad you had fun, though!

  3. Darlene – Apparently so. 😉

  4. Zoe – I *try* not to post things that will truly humiliate them when they are older.

    Related note: Spectacular Free Stuff for the ladies soon to be seen on a stoop in Windsor Terrace….

  5. My tear ducts were a little dry from lack of water as well. Had a great time with you! MIss you!! xoxo

  6. […] Skip to content About MeContact Real MommySites I Love ← 5,000 Horny Camels? […]

  7. […] is vlogging, you ask?  It’s just a fancy weird way of saying ‘video blogging.’  When I attended BlogHer this summer I had several fellow bloggers tell me that I should really start vlogging.  Mostly this […]

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