Tag Archives: urine

Three Boys and A Lady

I have a surprising – to me, anyway – number of male readers.  I LOVE that you are here, by the way, so please hang out.  You add a certain Je Ne Sais Quoi to the vibe.  (Even more so if you would, ahem, leave comments.) Upon learning from a male that he reads this […]

Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales | Also tagged , , , , , , 6 Comments

Dragons, Urine, Courtney Stodden…Yeah, One of Those Non Sequitor Posts

I hated living in New York when we first moved here.  Despised. Could have had something to do with being pregnant while dragging a 2-year-old up and down three flights of stairs every day.  Possibly. But whatever the reason, I took awhile to adjust. However, I finally realized that I kind of had to make […]

Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales | Also tagged , , , , , 10 Comments


When I was younger I used to write in journals pretty frequently.  I also used to write poems, and even songs, but those are (embarrassing) stories for another day. In 8th grade a friend gave me a really beautiful journal. It is still empty to this day. I felt like it was so special and […]

Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales | Also tagged , , , 9 Comments