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Tag Archives: life
Control and Chaos
I keep beating myself up about the fact that I haven’t made this blog a priority. Whenever someone mentions that they wish I would post more I mentally kick myself for not focusing on this space and building it into what I know it could become if I nurtured it more. I mean, that is […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged babies, blogging, c-section, cancer, chaos, control, finding time, friendships, scalpels, seasons of life, surgery
Graduation Celebration! (ie. Cryfest 2013)
I feel a ramble coming on. You’ve received fair warning. There is something about having kids that makes life crystal clear, with all of the complexities of simultaneous joy and pain. But it also blurs the lines. It leaves you raw, which allows for so much more joy to press itself up against you, soothing […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged change, childhood, complexity, goodbyes, happiness, Kindergarten, moving, parenting, sadness
1 Comment
Life With Kids
You know those close friends that you never end up speaking with as much as you wish you did? But then that causes you to actually not pick up sometimes when they call? Because you know it can’t possibly be a ten minute conversation; it will be at least an hour-long chat in order […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged allergies, catching up, eyelid, infection, life with kids, puffy, stress, swollen
Come On In, Good Stress
Life comes in waves. The good rolls in, then ebbs away. The bad finds its way to your shores a little more aggressively, but still retreats to leave you in peace. In fact, they even all often come in threes: the good, the bad and the waves. Side note: I feel like all of my […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged birthdays, childhood, Easter, moving, pregnancy, Spring, too fast, yard
I just read through my two most recent posts. It was actually pretty difficult to do. Even though writing has been an excellent way for me to work through confusing events in my life, a way to cope and heal and make my way through murky situations and emotions, this was too much. Dealing with […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged aftermath, blogging, cancer, children, family, friendships, Health, love, motherhood, normalcy, real, thyroid cancer
How D’ya Do, Wackadoo?
From Kalamazoo. I was about to erase all of that. Or at least the part about Kalamazoo. But then I realized it actually works perfectly to demonstrate what it is I came here to talk about. If you have seen me in person since October, you may have noticed that my phone screen resembles the […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged back to earth, cancer, candles, cracked screen, eating clean, fear, frazzled, iphone, jelly shots, lollipops, Pinterest, thyroid cancer, weight loss, yoga
My blogging routine goes something like this: Think of something I feel like discussing, fight to find a few free minutes during nap time or after the boys’ bedtime on nights my husband has class, write. I don’t do a lot of pausing, thinking or editing. Pretty much, I just kind of swoop a net […]
Life. Death. Love. – The Importants.
Lately, I have noticed that my temper seems to run out earlier in the day than I would like. Certainly more quickly than my children would probably like as well, since they are often the recipients of my clenched teeth warnings and arm-grabbings. Like many of my truths divulged on here, I am not proud […]
Posted in Chronicles: observations of the outside world
Also tagged colorado shooting, death, losing temper, love, motherhood
Because I Would Totally Get in if the Wahbulance Actually Showed Up
Today’s feeling: OVERWHELMED. Brought to you by, well…by lots of little things combined, I suppose. Disclaimer: I know: Super blessed. Lucky woman. Life is good. Could be way, way worse. Yada yada yada. Still, we all have craptastic days, right? Fortunately, I have lots of outlets and emotional support. I can share my emotions on […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged cleaning, fat, messy house, New York City mom, overwhelmed, stay at home mom, wahbulance, working mom
Saying Goodbye
Whenever I heard about people having to put their pets down I always felt like they were obviously doing the right thing. That they must be putting the animal out of their pain and misery with no other viable options. I didn’t realize it would be this hard. That there is almost always technically a […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged cat, hard choices, Osa, pet, putting down