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Tag Archives: food
Healthy Habits
Kids are often the litmus test for how sane, healthy and functional our society is. Kids’ bullying is becoming more frequent and harsh? Kids are shooting other kids with guns? Kids are overweight? They are learning all of this. It is not coded in our ‘American DNA’ in case that was your theory. Kids demonstrate […]
Posted in Chronicles: observations of the outside world
Also tagged behavior, childhood, choices, Health, Healthy Habits, kids, Laura Cipullo, nutrition, parenthood, The Mommy Manual Series
1 Comment
Sandy Isn’t Over Yet
Tragedy occurs every single day, all over the world. Horrible atrocities. Crimes that shock us. Violence against innocents that makes your stomach turn. Natural disasters that wipe towns, cities and islands off the map. Injustices that we never even hear about because they don’t make the news. It’s all unfair. All of it. I think […]
Posted in Chronicles: observations of the outside world
Also tagged aid, amazon, blankets, Brooklyn, clean up, donate, freezing, help, hungry, hurricane, long island, money, NYC, relief, sandy, staten island, volunteer
Insert Over-Used Joke About Milkshakes Bringing Boys to the Yard Here
But seriously. My milkshake? It brings the boys and the girls to the yard. And they are sprinting. For real. In fact, my milkshake brings anyone over 21 to the yard. Or over 12, if you grew up in The Most Irish Town in America, like I did. Yesterday I was attempting a momentary sanity […]
Posted in Chronicles: observations of the outside world
Also tagged Alcoholic Milkshake, chocolate, Huffington Post, Party time!, Scituate
Woman, 29, discovers Twitter at BlogHer ’10
So, in some ways I was correct about BlogHer ’10 being a bit like an awkward high school reunion…at a high school I had never attended. Let’s just say there were a few people with a teeny tiny ‘ego issue’ or who just plain weren’t that friendly. Luckily, they were definitely the minority. For the […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged BlogHer '10, BlogHer '11, high school, info, lactation, swag, twitter
Vive La France! ¡Viva Mexico!
As I mention in my About Me page, while I am allll about professing my weaknesses, mishaps, embarrassing moments, and general REAL experiences as a mom in this crazy thing we call life, I am not above admitting that I am always striving to ‘do it all.’ Well, last night falls into that category and […]
I like to call it “The Little Piece of Heaven List”
I am getting closer! Closer to fulfilling my bucket list. I don’t really mean like an “accomplish in my life” bucket list, but rather an “eat after having that baby” bucket list. I also don’t really mean a bucket of food, per se…although that does actually exist. No, really. Bucket O’ Food. Kind of gross […]