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Tag Archives: Brooklyn
Leaving Brooklyn…In Style
We are so ready for this move to the suburbs. So, so ready. We did our time in Manhattan and then in Brooklyn. We tried our best and have wonderful memories of both, but it is time to follow the other ‘three child families’ to the land of grass and guest rooms. For us, the […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged amish farmers market, bagels, brunch, chelsea market, childhood, climbing trees, doughnut plant, family, goodbye, memories, moving, New Jersey, new yorkers, NYC, picnic, pride parade, roosevelt island, subway, terrace bagels, the high line, windsor terrace
Pineapple Fried Rice
Living in New York City, you become accustomed to ordering delivery for dinner. Some would say overly accustomed. I’m too tired/busy/sick/late/sad/angry/excited/lazy to cook tonight. Plus, it’s rainy. And my middle toe hurts. What do you want, babe? Pizza, sushi, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, burgers, deli sandwiches, Korean, Mediterranean? I think I actually want barbecue. […]
Posted in What's for Supper Wednesdays
Also tagged asian, basil, broccoli, brown rice, coconut oil, cooking, cruciferous, dairy-free, delivery, dinner, fried, gluten-free, goiterous, healthy, New York City, pineapple, pineapple fried rice, recipe, rice, scallions, sugar snap peas, take-out, thyroid, vegan, vegetables
A Sentimental-ish Post about Traditions. Kind of.
Since the day I found out I was pregnant with Carlitos, my husband and I have lived in six different homes in three different states. I changed jobs and added in about four different part-time positions, he changed jobs three times and started graduate school. To balance out the chaos, we have plenty of solid […]
Sandy Isn’t Over Yet
Tragedy occurs every single day, all over the world. Horrible atrocities. Crimes that shock us. Violence against innocents that makes your stomach turn. Natural disasters that wipe towns, cities and islands off the map. Injustices that we never even hear about because they don’t make the news. It’s all unfair. All of it. I think […]
Posted in Chronicles: observations of the outside world
Also tagged aid, amazon, blankets, clean up, donate, food, freezing, help, hungry, hurricane, long island, money, NYC, relief, sandy, staten island, volunteer
I have been having fantasies lately. Prints. Carpets. Color. Organization. Yes, décor fantasies. The thing is, I got pregnant at 25 years old. Then we got married once Carlitos turned one. We lived in Washington, D.C., and then moved to Maryland. Suddenly we were in Harlem. Next up, Brooklyn. Basically we have done everything backwards. […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged city, design, furniture, kids, moving, New Jersey, suburbs
And Time Marches On
We spent two fabulous weeks gallivanting around the Mediterranean with our extended family, my father-in-law as host. It was amazing. A trip we will never forget. And one that I am sure I will do a photo post about sometime soon. (‘soon’ being November if you know me at all) Then, we returned last Sunday […]
24 Hours
I love the city. I really do. But you may have deduced that I am not the biggest fan of raising my kids here. It’s just really hard. Really, really hard. Well, for many of us, anyway. It looks (from a distance) to be somewhat enjoyable when you can afford $40,000 a year preschools, a […]
Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales
Also tagged Fashion show, hospital, NYC Fashion Week, NYC mom, NYC schools, slice, soccer practice
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