The other night we were at a party…in a way cool Brooklyn warehouse-y apartment (the fact that I just admitted it was cool shows how un-cool I am, but whatever)…with lots of really cool people (did it again)…and we stayed out past midnight.
The reason I am telling you this is because we met this super nice guy (who, in my un-coolness, I can admit was also very cool) who is a very talented artist and musician. He is also single (or that was my impression?), has no kids (pretty sure) and like I said, a male.
We talked about his career and then he asked about mine and as I got to Hustle #127 and mentioned ‘I blog,’ he was all, “Oh my God! I have totally read your blog! My friend (who is also our friend) showed it to me!”
Okay, That. Is. Awesome.
I love hearing that one of my 354,697 18 readers is some hip guy who doesn’t have kids. I love that not all 18 of you are fellow moms. (Not that I want any moms out there to stop reading!)
Soooo, since today’s free give-away is pretty much geared toward parents, I am doing a little bonus gift that ANYONE could use and appreciate.
Head to and enter the code Blogher30 and receive 30% off your holiday cards!
Plus, one lucky winner gets their holiday cards for FREE this year! Write the word ‘Hallmark’ in your comment below to be entered to win $40 to spend on holiday cards at*
And now, onto our ‘parent-focused’ give-away…
I know many of us try to make our own baby food when possible. However, the truth is that it can be hard to travel with a variety of frozen ice cubes of squash, peas and mango. I don’t know about you, but I end up bringing jars of babyfood and boxes of baby grain cereals when we travel. The only brand I have used for these products with both of my kids is Earth’s Best, because they promise that everything they give us to put inside our pure little babies is organic. And now that Xavi has his first tooth, we love using their teething biscuits, too.
So leave a comment below with the words ‘Earth’s Best’ and you will be entered to win Earth’s Best Multi-Grain Cereal, Mixed Grain Cereal with Apple and Sweet Potato, and Wheat Teething Biscuits.*
*You are welcome to leave two separate comments and enter both contests. You have between now and Monday at 11:59 am to enter. Good Luck!
(Disclaimer: I was given a sample of same Earth’s Best products being offered in the free give-away. However, I was not paid any dinero to write a review of any sort. Any opinions given on here are because I felt like it.)
*** Congratulations to our Hallmark winner, Crissyisawesome! Enjoy your $40 to spend on holiday cards at Hallmark! Contest in now closed. ***
***Congratulations to our Earth’s Best winner, Joan! Enjoy the Earth’s Best products for your grandchildren! Contest in now closed. ***
I’m the same way with Cole’s food–bring packaged stuff on the road and homemade at home. Also use earths best!!
And I’m soooo behind on holiday cards I’m not even planning to do them but with this giveaway that’s some good motivation!
LOL…it’s VERY cool when a you realize that your blog’s reach isn’t just to mommies everywhere but to some very awesome men, too!
Ya, imagine a “hip guy who doesn’t have kids” reading your blog. Wicked Pissa. or alternatively, Cool.
I hope you don’t mind grand moms reading the blog – my sweet daughter- in – law recommended you. If I win the Earth’s Best I have 2 little ones that could use it.
also could use Hallmark products – haven’t done cards in a while!
I always bring Earth’s Best when we travel
and I haven’t done my Christmas cards yet so I could use that Hallmark gift!
In under the wire… As a supremely cool person who lives in Brooklyn (cough), I love the blog too!
Eli lives on Earth’s Best….it’s the best 🙂 He eats the cereal, teething crackers, veggies, fruit, and applesauce. Wonder if he can eat it when he’s a teenager? He eats better than we do!
Hey Annie, I officially “LIKE” your awesome blog. And I just took your advice and checked out the cool jewelery and I am totally wishing I had the Fiona Headband and Barrette for my little girl at Christmas, or any day! I love lots of the stuff, esp rings and charms, but the headband/barrette is my favorite 🙂