Til Death (Doesn’t) Do Us Part

Monday was our two year wedding anniversary.

We weren’t able to go out to dinner and we didn’t exchange any gifts yet (because we both ordered each others gifts a tad bit late.  Two peas in a pod.)

But we did have some champagne and these amazing jelly donuts we have discovered in New York (that I think are especially for Hanukkah?).  And we did exchange cards.  And what we wrote to each other in our cards was nearly identical.  Which made me think about just how much I believe we are meant for each other.

Which, of course, made me cry.

This man has been in my life for nearly ten years and instead of getting sick of him, I am excited about spending the rest of my days with him as my partner.  We challenge each other.  We support each other.  We have grown together.  And we continue to grow together.  I truly love him more and more every day.  I can not imagine life without him.

And thankfully, in his Mexican Catholic tradition, I don’t have to.    Just like the Katrinas we had visit us during our wedding weekend, we can be together forever, even after death tries to do us part.

(I just hope my husband is not actually on that damn blackberry for the rest of eternity.)

Sooo, it was funny that this morning Carlitos came into our bed and immediately started talking about our wedding photo as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen.

Look! Your noses are touching!  That is the day you married!  That’s mommy and daddy! You were on Cape Cod!

Well, no, we were actually in Mexico.  Close, though. They both have beaches.

He started asking what other pictures there were from our wedding and I realized that I had never shown him our photo album before.

So, here are some of the photos I showed him.  (It was hard to find pictures without my husband’s face in them, being that he was the groom and all, but I found a few.)

I explained to Carlitos that we got married in Mexico and that HE was our ringbearer.  (I will have some ‘splainin to do about that fact later, I’m sure.)  He told me the name of every single person he saw in the pictures.  He learned the word ‘Mariachis.’  He learned that mommy now knows how to do a mean air guitar thanks to Mima (my mother-in-law).  He is now craving ‘Mexican corn.’ (Okay, I admit it, it’s really ME who is now craving Mexican corn.)  He learned that the only time mommy and daddy will wake him up on purpose at 2 am is to see fireworks…and that he will have to wait awhile before that ever happens again.  And he learned that mommy really is a teacher at heart.  He got to see a picture of me teaching my friends and sisters-in-law how to do ‘that dance from that Usher song from like 4 years ago.’

But let me tell you, he was NOT a fan of those Katrina pictures.

Scary, mommy.  Those is scary. (Ohhh, the grammar of a 3-year-old.)

I tried to explain to him that they aren’t really scary because they actually mean that you don’t have to be scared of death.  I told him it meant mommy and daddy would be together forever with him and Xavi.

Silly me.  These are not really concepts you should try to explain to a 3-year-old.

No, mommy.  Those is scary.

Okay, you’re right, Carlitos.   Let’s go back and look at that picture of the candy again. That’s more your speed.

All you need to know is that mommy and daddy love each other as much as you love all of that candy.

We’ll explain the rest later.

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