Rock n’ Roll

First of all, you should know that I up and flew to Fiji two weeks ago.  Just got back.  No internet where I was staying.  Sorry for not posting.

Psyyyych!  Gotcha.

I was here in New York.  Plenty of internet.  I just had these grandiose plans of fixing the aesthetics of my blog and then ‘relaunching’ it, so I kept putting off posting until I worked on the visuals and then, well, life got in the way.

‘Life’ being: Carlitos was really sick all of last week.  His fever hit 104.8. (Frightening!)  We had an important visitor coming, so we spent days scrubbing the whole house.  (Of course, she ended up only seeing the kitchen.  Of course.)  My sister-in-law came to visit.  Mind you, she is also an important visitor – she just doesn’t get us worked up into the same cleaning frenzy.   She’s family.

And then, of course, there was just the day to day grind.

Basically, it was just two weeks of This Thing Called Life.  So, I realized that I need to just suck it up and post if I’m going to post and call it quits if I’m not.  Because, let’s face it, I have two little boys, a husband who works full time, goes to school and is studying for the CFA and we have no nanny, house cleaner or family nearby.  Life is packed and stressful and I am exhausted  every single day.

So, hopefully you will be happy to know that I have decided to go with ‘post if I’m going to post’ and stop being such a crybaby.  And I will, uh, ‘get around’ to fixing some of the aesthetics.  Sooner rather than later.  I’m sure of it.  Pretty sure.  It will get done at some point.  This year. Before I’m 35.  Definitely.

Annnnyway, back to the actual POST.  (Ahhh, right, that’s what I was doing on here!)

Although life has been extra hectic the last few weeks, Carlitos has still been quite the rock star, as noted oh so subtly in this photo:

Yes, that is THE goofiest supposed rock star you have ever seen.

And much more subtly in this photo:

This was his attire for the rehearsal dinner of a wedding in which he was the ring bearer.  Somehow, I managed not to take a single picture of him with his tux on the next day.  However, I believe you can see here the extreme level of rock star quality my son possesses.  He actually doesn’t get it from his mama.

And John Xavier is rolling like it’s going out of style.  He started doing front to back at 3.5 months and by 4 months he had added back to front to his repertoire.  Now, I literally can’t put him down anywhere because he just starts rolling and rolling and rolling.  He’s like that meatball in that children’s story that just rolls all around town.  Yeah, that’s Xavi.  My little meatball.

Xavi Rolling

Who, by the way, looked pretty darn cute at the rehearsal dinner, as well:

So that’s it, we’ve just been rockin’ and rollin’ over here.  (Similar to puns, plays on words are also always intended.)  And I will be doing my best to post every other day…even when life gets even crazier than usual.

Let’s just hope there is more than one of you out there you cares to read this every other day.  I mean, there better be at least one person reading this religiously.

I’m looking at you, mom.

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7 Responses to Rock n’ Roll

  1. Monica says:

    I love that you call Xavi your little meatball because I remember when Carlitos was little you said to me “He’s tall and skinny, like a spaghetti.” Spaghetti and meatballs! 🙂

  2. That’s so funny – I totally don’t remember saying that! Such a strange thing to realize that others remember things you have said…even if you, yourself, don’t actually remember.
    I have also been calling them my ‘stick’ and my ‘ball,’ but that seems to promote Carlitos hitting Xavi, so now I think I will go strictly with spaghetti and meatball. Thank you! 😉

  3. I’m here and reading!

    First of all, your boys are so cute!

    Second of all, keep posting. It’s hard when Xavier is so young, but keep doing it when you can. I wanted to give up last year when Thomas was 6 months old. I plucked along and did it when I could. Now that he’s older, I have more time, and glad I didn’t quit.

    That and the bathrooms don’t get cleaned as often as they should, but I’m working on it.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Mother says:

    I am always looking at you. You actually do make me laugh. Quite an accomplishment. Not everyone’s mother finds their offspring so amusing. I guess I am lucky.

  5. Amanda says:


    I visit your blog at least twice a week!

  6. Thanks for the support, ladies! Without comments it is hard to know if anyone is actually listening to you or if you really are simply creating a very elaborate Baby Scrapbook for your kids.
    Which would be fine, too, considering the state of both of their real scrapbooks…..

  7. […] here is the meat (I keep telling you, yes they are ALWAYS intentional) of the story about how to throw the raddest Dinosaur Birthday […]

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