So, in some ways I was correct about BlogHer ’10 being a bit like an awkward high school reunion…at a high school I had never attended. Let’s just say there were a few people with a teeny tiny ‘ego issue’ or who just plain weren’t that friendly. Luckily, they were definitely the minority.
For the most part, I had an amazing time, learned so much, met kind and interesting people, ate surprisingly well, got unbelievable swag, and sometimes felt like I was on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. What? You were nodding along with me until that last one? Shoulda checked out the Lactation Lounge. Suckaaah. (Pun intended) Well, actually, you really shouldn’t have checked it out if you weren’t nursing or pumping. That would have been weird and creepy.
Seeing as I spent a decent amount of time in the LL (as I like to call it), I’d like to give a little shout out to the other moms I met while in there. Okay, that’s your shout out. I won’t list your names. You’re welcome. Next year I challenge the hotel to create an even more awkward seating set-up. Maybe you could force us to sit on each others laps or something? Having the chairs facing each other in a huge, sterile room was a good attempt at creating awkwardness, but I’d like to see you really outdo yourself next time.
In any event, let’s start with the main reason I attended: Information Sessions. I have to say, I know I am brand-spankin new to blogging, and therefore a bit like a dry, empty sponge, but I learned an incredible amount in those six sessions. Actually, I attended more like ten sessions because I moved around a lot. I want to learn EVERYTHING and take over the blogoshpere! BUWHAHHHAAAAHHHAA (attempt at an ‘evil laugh’)
Then there were all of the opportunities to meet the 2,400 bloggers in attendance. I did have to put on my big girl panties and just walk up to people, introduce myself and ask about their site. It brought me back to freshman year of college. It was hard. It was exhausting. It was embarrassing at times, especially when someone looked at me like a sad excuse of a person because I didn’t recognize their blog name. But, it was worth it. I discovered so many fabulous, creative, informative, inspirational and hysterical blogs! Hopefully, I also garnered at least one new reader for my blog, as well.
Okay, let’s see, what’s next…Oh! Food! (Yes, I am writing this blog post in the format of a high school essay: List your talking points in the main paragraph and then go through each point in successive paragraphs. Bet your excited for my conclusion where I tie it all together and reiterate the points I discussed, right?) The food was quite impressive. Roasted vegetables, hummus, pork Madeira, salmon, petit-fours (Italian-style), and Israeli couscous, to name a few items. Let’s just say I’m pretty sure I didn’t hit my next first weight loss goal this weekend.
My husband knows I love free stuff. (Loved meeting all of you saver/coupon bloggers!) He knew there would be lots of free stuff at this conference. “Please don’t come home with every free pen, keychain, mousepad, foam object and frisbee they offer you, okay?” I listened to his advice and totally said no to the free beer-making kit and Wii I was offered. Thanks for the heads up, baby!
Since my son didn’t mention an aversion to me picking up swag, I made him a little gift bag with a Playdoh set
(including the ‘spaghetti squeezer thingie’! Pure joy!),
placemats, cookies, popcorn balls, coloring books, a Swiper t-shirt with his name on it, bulldozer socks, crayons, eggs that grow herbs, and Weebles. The Weebles are just about the dumbest thing I have ever seen, but he loves them. I am choosing not to do connective math here and deduce that he is then the dumbest boy I have ever known. He is, in fact, super smart. I am sure he is just trying to make the toy company feel better for making such a useless toy.
I do have to say that I noticed many other attendees with bags full of full-sized toys, hair straighteners, jewelry, shoes, etc. When I asked where they acquired these items I was given vague responses about other ‘parties.’ Hmmm…I see I am not in the cool kid click this time around in high school. (Very different than my first time around. Obviously.) Do you think if I let them have a party at my parents’ house while they are out of town the cool kids will let me in on the secret to getting invited to these private swanky swag parties?
Sidenote: Totally thought it was called ‘shwag’ and had been referring to it as such. Finally realized everyone else was calling it ‘swag.’ Could total cluelessness be part of the reason I am being left out of the Cool Kids Club? Probably.
Which brings me to Bourbon Street the Lactation Lounge. Oh, wait, I already wrote about that. Shoot. I was supposed to go in the order I originally listed them. This is probably why I didn’t ace my English classes.
I know I have more to discuss regarding the BlogHer conference, but I am still so exhausted that when I look inside my brain for to-do lists and reminder-lists all I see is a big brownish ball of mush.
Must recharge.
I will add an update if I think of something else later. Oh, and I am now working on being a legit twitterer. That can’t be a word. Tweeter? Sounds dirty. Twit? Yeah, that fits. Legit Twit. Too legit to quit.
I will create a little Twitter button for my site, but for now, here is my ‘handle’. (Learned that lingo at the conference. Watch out tech world! Next thing you know I’m going to know how to upload a video! What What.)
Now I have 362 days to prepare for BlogHer ’11 in San Diego!
So funny – I stopped by the LL a couple of times (I qualify, promise), didn’t see anyone and didn’t want to whip ’em out since I don’t know group pumping etiquette. Seemed awkward to me, too. Very flattered to be mentioned here. It was great to meet you!
Hi! We met in the LL! And now you have one new blog reader and twitter follower. I practically saw your boobs, I might as well read your blog, right? 😉
I’m with Sarah — we shared boobs, I mean pumping moments, so we should be besties. Besides, we have a mommy date in the park sometime, don’t we?
Great choice on the stroller, by the way — or tell your hubby aka guardian of the LL.
Hi ladies! So honored to read comments from the three of you, as your blogs are all, to go back to my roots, Wicked Awesome. I will certainly keep reading you and hope to see you round these parts, as well!
And yes, Michele, we definitely need to do a mommy date sometime! Somewhere in Central Park has got to be half way between Brooklyn and Harlem, right? Although, we are down in Brooklyn all the time, too…
Finally catching up on all my BlogHer reading. Love your blog header and your witty blogging style. Girl’s got some talent, don’t cha.
Hope to run into you again next year. Maybe then we can walk up 43 flights of stairs.
Sara – Thanks so much! I am still working on visiting each blog, as well. I want to take my time and really read through people’s sites. I’m sure you will be getting a comment from me when I get to your business card. 🙂
And yes, let’s definitely go UP next time. I should be about 40 pounds lighter the next time you see me, so I should be able to handle it! (Let me tell you that my 3rd floor walk up DUPLEX was NO JOKE for about 3 days after our little adventure!)
[…] am dorky: If the words above don’t prove it, I believe this story […]
[…] And then, the piece de resistance, I found an unopened package of Spanx in my sock drawer! I had completely forgotten about this fantastic item I received in my swag bag at BlogHer 2010. […]