What’s for Supper Wednesday? Here’s tonight’s meal…well, if I am correct in assuming it will mirror last night’s meal. Which I am, of course.
A bag of nuts from the bodega and a large Poland Spring water. (Because I work so hard at retaining my New England roots while living here in New Yahk.)
Don’t worry. My kids will be eating more than nuts and berries. They will have one of a rotating variety of what I call ‘babysitter meals.’ The simple combinations I leave for a sitter on nights where we can’t be here:
Some variety of Annie’s Mac n’ Cheese
Some frozen vegetable thrown in with the pasta while it cooks
Some type of protein – typically warmed up chicken meatballs or chicken sausages
What? You’re still here reading? I was certain you’d be running off to grab your recipe book and put this beauty in there!
Whaaaaaaat??? You don’t have a recipe book?!
In all seriousness, I could use some fresh ammo in my ‘I’m not here to cook dinner’ arsenal. Please share any dinner ideas you have that are so easy you don’t feel guilty asking the babysitter to make them.
She truly does seem one “Just throw the peas in with the alfredo shells! They’ll be fine!” away from reporting me to CPS. I think she may believe mac n’ cheese is the only thing ever fed to my kids.
Not true! Xavi totally had a sip of my beet, lemon, ginger, celery, carrot, parsley, sprout, collard greens, apple juice this morning before grimacing and handing it right back. (Which was actually super annoying since I assumed we were making an even trade and that I was going to get his eggs, sausage and yogurt for breakfast. That little stinker.)
Maybe I’ll tell her to throw some apple slices on the side today. Mommy Of The Year.
We have recently discovered Pineland Farms frozen fully cooked natural beef meatballs at Whole Foods. They are small sized and can defrost as you heat them in some tomato sauce (or spaghettis sauce of choice). Put that over pasta shells (which are the universal childhood food for a good reason), maybe add some frozen broccoli flowerets (if your boys like broccoli) and there’s some variety with good protein. If you can find a frozen (or prepared) shepherd’s pie, I would bet that would also be a hit and easy to eat. Do they like rice and beans? We prepare a big batch and then freeze it in meal-size portions for later. Good luck!
Question: Do you use a juicer or a blender?
Here’s my quick go-to meal. 1 can of organic black beans rinsed, 1 can of corn with peppers drained (unless you have some fresh and already cooked), 1 container of salsa drained. Mix together. Place some of the mixture on whole wheat tortillas and put in the micro for 30 seconds, add some cheese, roll up and serve. If you are feeling fancy, I make quesadillas with this.
Hope this helps!!
GrandKate – I like the Shephard’s Pie idea (I could probably do a chicken pot pie, too…I just never think of that one because I HATE chicken pot pie). The rice and beans are a good tip, too. We had rice and beans with grated cheddar on top pretty often growing up because of that silly vegetarian in the family, as you know.
I’ll keep an eye out for those meatballs…that whole combo sounds very similar to what I always ask her to do: some sort of pasta or mac n’ cheese, some sort of pre-cooked protein product to reheat and some sort of frozen veggie to throw in. But I do like at least changing up the products!
Thank you!!!!
Erin – We splurged (after watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead AND Food Matters) and bought a masticating juicer (keeps in more nutrients than a centrifugal) for a couple hundred. We are both LOVEING it though. I have stopped needing coffee (and you KNOW I don’t actually get any sleep!) and finally broke through a weight plateau that had been stuck for a few months.
Thank you for the recipe(s)! I totally already have every type of canned bean and corn. Easy Peasy! 😉
Spelled LOVING wrong. Please excuse.
[…] that I feel you that cooking legit meals is hard with kids – and it is why my kids are often eating mac n cheese and pre-cooked chicken sausage with frozen lima beans – BUT a little mess in the foyer is worth it […]