Alright, maybe I am being a *little* dramatic. You tell me. (And please excuse the iphone photos. Soon I will learn how to use my real camera. Very soon. Promise.)
Here is a very short version of our Valentine’s Day morning…
I made pink, raspberry pancakes for the boys. I made the letters of their names and giant hearts. (Which, much to my chagrin, Carlitos thought were cars or dinosaurs. Note to self: Practice pancake hearts.)
I set the table (with love, obviously) and served my boys their pancakes. (That is an ‘x.’ In case you have poor eyesight.)
Xavi took one bite and then threw my heart on the floor.
See? Unrequited love, right?
What? You think I’m being an over-dramatic, lunatic mom whose behavior will ensure her kids need lots of therapy when they grow up?
Whatever. What do you know. Come talk to me when your kid throws your pink, ‘heart’ shaped pancake on the floor.
ps. Happy Valentine’s Day.
that’s what you get for cooking. My kids just go hungry.
Someday they will cook you a heart shaped pancake
Awwww….what a great mom! My kid got popcorn. =)
And, I could totally tell that was an “X”. Your hearts looked pretty awesome to me!!
Kami – Me thinks you doth protest too much. This the second time you mentioned not feeding your kids…which clearly leads me to believe you secretly prepare them individual, gourmet, organic, allergen-free, ethnic meals every day. I’m onto you.
Julie – They good God damn better.
Flourish – Same thing as I said to Kami. I would love to be a fly on the wall. You guys are totally making your kids kale burgers with parsnip fries. I know it.
And thanks about the ‘X.’ The raspberry bits kept getting caught in the baster and then blurting out a big dot in the middle of my lines. Not cool, raspberries. Not cool. And the hearts, well, you are just being too kind. They did look more like a VW Beetle, Carlitos was right. 😉