Tag Archives: pre-school

Mom Turns Home into Pre-School…For a Day

Only, this was not a very well-run pre-school.  The kids got snack time and recess and not much else that resembled a normal day in pre-school…or any school for that matter. So, this week was vacation week at Carlitos’ pre-school.  Because they obviously needed a week-long mental break from all of that dot art and […]

Posted in Real: my personal trials, tribulations and tales | Also tagged , , 6 Comments

Tell it to mommy

Carlitos needs to be potty trained. Like, yesterday.  Besides just his parents not wanting to change TWO sets of diapers, he also needs to be potty trained to go to The Little Gym camp AND to go to pre-school. So, we have been trying to potty train him for awhile now, but I have to […]

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