Out of Character

Funny, I just put that title because I am going to share two little tips about how to make your life easier and, well, let’s be honest, that is out of character for this blog.

What is funny is that as soon as I wrote out the title I realized that maybe my mind was actually on something deeper because the love of my life has been quite out of character lately and it has me a little shaken up.   I wasn’t planning on talking about this, but let me just say that going from 1 child to 2 children is harder than I imagined.  Harder on our marriage, that is.  Or maybe it is living in NYC this time around.  I mean, he is around people his age who are not married, do not have kids, and are therefore pretty much doing what they want, when they want.  I can see how you could start to want that freedom again for yourself.   Or maybe it is something else entirely.

I just know I haven’t really figured it out yet.  And I know that as the one who does not have the luxury of doing whatever, whenever (as I am nursing, and just because I think that as the Mom you don’t naturally feel that kind of liberty) it kind of sucks.  I guess I will leave it at that.

If there is anyone out there reading this who has gone through something similar with their spouse and feels like sharing any advice.  My ears are wide open.

So……back to those tips!

#1  When putting silverware in the dishwasher, I have started putting all of the spoons together, forks together, etc. when I put them IN the dishwasher.  That way, when I go to put them away I can just grab the handful of forks and put them away all together, rather than sorting through.

#2  When I bring an extra change of clothes for Xavi in my purse or diaper bag I put them in a ziplock bag.  Typically, if I am changing his outfit while we are out it is because his fabulous neon poop has exploded out of the diaper.  This way I can change him and then put the poopalicious outfit in the ziplock bag, rather than worrying about getting it on anything else.

Maybe everyone else already does these things but nobody ever taught me these tips, so in case there is someone else out there who missed the memo, here you go!

Oh, and don’t worry, I am still a ‘Real Mom.’  I totally forgot to pack wipes today AND only brought one diaper for Carlitos…of course today was the day he needed two. Poor guy.

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One Response to Out of Character

  1. […] I mentioned in my last post, my husband and I were having some disagreements lately.  I had assumed I would tackle these […]

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